The Civic Integration Exam
Do you need a provisional residence permit?
Or do you want to live with your partner in the Netherlands?
Before you apply for the provisional residence permit (MVV),
you must first pass the Civic Integration Exam Abroad.
When you want to stay in the Netherlands indefinitely,
you might need to pass the Integration Exam.
The Civic Integration Exam Abroad
What is it?
The Civic Integration Exam Abroad (in Dutch: Basisexamen inburgering buitenland) is a test about the Dutch language and culture. You take this exam abroad at a Dutch representation (embassy or consulate).
Passing the Civic Integration Exam Abroad is a requirement for applying for a Provisional Residence Permit (in Dutch: Machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf, or MVV). You have to apply for the MVV and the residence permit at the same time.
At what level is the exam?
The Civic Integration Exam Abroad is on level A1 of the CEFR.
The Beginner Courses at Dutch Academy lead up to level A1. After completing Beginner 1, 2 and 3, you are ready to take the Civic Integration Exam Abroad.
If you are planning to take this exam, please let me know and I can provide you with extra information and practice for the exam.
Private lessons are also an option if you prefer one-on-one instruction and lessons tailored to your specific needs.
Where can I take this exam?
You can find more information about taking the Civic Integration Exam Abroad in Canada on the official website.
The Integration Exam in The Netherlands (inburgeringsexamen)
What is it?
Are you planning to move to the Netherlands permanently? Usually, this means that you need to take the Integration Exam (inburgeringsexamen). Part of the Integration Exam is learning the Dutch language. You can read more about the full integration process here.
This exam takes place in The Netherlands.
Which exams you need to take, depends on the act that applies to you. You will find the exact exams you need in your account Mijn Inburgering.
Sometimes you do not have to take all exams. Or you may not have to take any exams at all. For instance because you have an illness, or because you already have a diploma. Fewer or no exams lists all the possibilities.
At what level is the exam?
The minimum level of the Integration Exam is A2 of the CEFR.
The Intermediate Courses at Dutch Academy lead up to level A2. After completing Intermediate 1, 2 and 3, you are ready to take the language part of the Integration Exam.
If you are planning to take this exam, please let me know and I can provide you with extra information and practice for the exam.
Private lessons are also an option if you prefer one-on-one instruction and lessons tailored to your specific needs.