Intermediate courses
In the intermediate courses you will expand your knowledge and skills by learning more complex sentences and situations and applying this in practice.
​At the end of the intermediate courses, you will have reached level A2 of the CEFR. This means that you will be able to apply the learned grammar from level A1 and A2 in speech. After completing the intermediate courses, you can earn a certificate.
The intermediate level consists of three courses: Intermediate 1, 2 and 3.
Sign up here.​
The objectives
In this course you will learn: the regular and irregular present perfect (perfectum), use separable verbs, negations, reference words and pronouns, and difficult sentence structures.
At the end of the course, you can talk about activities in the past, give your opinion, talk about the position of people and objects, have a conversation in a clothing store, describe people and objects, talk about your education and work experience, and organize a party.
Prior knowledge
To join Intermediate 1, you should have a Dutch level comparable to A1 of the CEFR. This means you should be able to have Dutch conversations in basic everyday situations.
These skills can be acquired by completing the beginner courses, but if you have learned Dutch before or spoke it when you were younger, Intermediate 1 can also be the right choice for you.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to talk about which course fits you best.
In the Intermediate 1 course we complete chapters 1 to 5 in the book 'Contact! Nieuw 2'.
Intermediate 1
Intermediate 2
The objectives
In this course you will learn: difficult conjunctions and adverbs, the subordinate clause (bijzin), regular and irregular simple past (imperfectum).
At the end of the course, you will be able to describe how you live, explain your choices, ask and accept help, understand information in public transport, explain why you are late (and think of excuses), talk about the news, evaluate a conversation or event, and quickly explain emergency situations.
Prior knowledge
To join Intermediate 2 you should have a Dutch level comparable to A1 of the CEFR, plus know the course objectives from Intermediate 1.
In the Intermediate 2 course we complete chapters 6 to 10 in the book 'Contact! Nieuw 2'.
Intermediate 3
The objectives
In this course you will learn: the formal imperative, the prefix position of separable verbs, the position of adjectives in sentences and when to add an -e, and use the simple past of zullen as a friendly request.
At the end of the course, you will be able to talk about post secondary education, describe people, objects and situations, write formal and informal letters, talk about medical issues, understand instructions on medication manuals, understand information on company invoices, and give arguments for your point of view.
Prior knowledge
To join Intermediate 2 you should have a Dutch level comparable to A1 of the CEFR, plus know the course objectives from Intermediate 1+2.
In the Intermediate 3 course we will complete chapters 11 to 15 in the book 'Contact! Nieuw 2' and practice exams for level A2.

Practical information
Dutch Academy offers online and in-person classes. Go to current classes​ to check dates, times and the location (online or in-person) of the upcoming courses.
Please check our page for current classes. Classes will start with a minimum of 4 students.
If you are interested in a level but it is not listed in current classes, please leave your information and with enough students for a course, the start date will be chosen together.
If you can’t make it to a lesson, the lesson will be recorded so you don’t have to miss anything.
The costs
The lesson fee for the online courses is $330+tax.
All online courses consist of 10 lessons of 1.5 hours.
The lesson fee for the in-person course is $484+tax.
All in-person courses consist of 10 lessons of 2 hours.
The materials
During the intermediate courses, the book 'Contact! Nieuw 2' is used with other additional materials.
How do I sign up?
Fill out the registration form. After completing the form, you will receive an invoice with payment information. Registration is complete after receiving the payment.
Feel free to contact me for a free introduction meeting to explain everything about the course or to determine the best level for you.
Not sure yet?
Please don't hesitate to contact me for a free introduction meeting to tell you more about the course or to talk about what best level would fit you best.
Take an exam
After completing the intermediate courses, you can take an exam or continue with the advanced courses to reach level B1.
More interested in one-on-one instruction or do you want to train extra for a level A2 exam?
Check out the private lessons.​ Or focus on speaking in a conversation course.